So here's a bit more about the developing story on the Cat-beings, apparently these buggers are everywhere... I have been a bit perturbed the last couple of days as these new spirit guides seem to be turning up all the time now. They watch over me whilst I do my readings and even interact with the clients (Who are completely unaware) The situation is now so bad that I had to visit my place of vision on the Tor to talk with Goll, for those of you who haven't read my book, he is my spirit Shaman and mentor.
Anyway I took my sacred walk and blessed all my special places and ended up at the place of vision in the Faerie wood. Gave offerings chanted and started to shake my shaman stick, the bells took me into vision.
I was at the council fire with Goll and many of my other spirit connections were there, each had one of these Cat people with them, not necessarily with them but following them as with my entourage following me into my vision.
" Goll! I am struggling with this cat stuff, it is like complete conflict with my Odinic path, they are everywhere."
Goll poked the council fire with a stick and turned over a log to warm his hands in the red glow.
" Boy they have always been everywhere but you just called them something else, Fetch, Kin fylgia, Desir, animal guide... They are all cats, just appear to the their charge in whatever form feels best, fits best. The activation of the three stones allowed you to tune in to their frequency and now you see them and you can't unsee them.
You had no problem seeing Vikings, Giants, Goblins, dragon and on and on and on. But you have a problem seeing Cat-people. They are part of the Vaniric race, different to the Asir. Each of us has one of these companions, the lucky one's two. You boy have three, just like the three stones that have come into your possession. Each one of your cat guides can change into whatever you want but all are linked to Freyja in some way or another. Her sacred animal is the cat and she is Queen of the Elves. She takes on may forms just as you have the ability to do in your role as Shaman. Allow them to be your spirit guides"
" But my spirit guide is White bear?"
"No you are White bear... Have you ever wondered why so many people have their first guide be a Native American, it's because that is what they are expecting. You are honoured to see them in their true form. If the cats bother you so much ask them to appear as something else maybe spiders. No didn't think so."
I thought about this and knew that that would not be right, so I would bare with it for the time being.
STAY TUNED for another exciting episode of Odin meets Star Trek or check out this info I looked up it's way out of my comfort