Every day minor problems get us down, trivial rubbish that clutters our lives. then out of the blue someone loses a loved one, a parent passes over and it puts your life into perspective. this takes time and we become accustomed to our role in the world changing and we take on the mantle of those who came before us.
This I have learned to deal with. but when my Kids call me in tears and tell me that one of their best friends has died whilst on a trip to Sri Lanka, a lad I have known since he was four years old. This young life blown out before his twenty fourth birthday. As a parent myself, I can just imagine the heart wrenching grief his whole family are going through.
This is the real reality check, that how sweet and brief life truly is. What a precious, fragile gift the Gods have given us that must never been taken for granted. My son and his friends are in a state of shock, the glorious life they lived growing up on the South coast has been rocked. The first of their friends has passed on and at Tom Perry's funeral their will be a out pouring of love of all those who got to share his life.
As we all walk this journey, we will lose friends and family. my Father tells me all his mates are dead, he is the last of his "Crew". Tom Perry was the first of his crew and we will all take our place in the line of Orlog. So I say to my Son, " Sing your friends song loud, we will all meet again in Valhalla"