If you don't watch the show, watch it, I warn you it is extremely violent ( If anyone thinks that the world we live in is not violent, you must be living under a rock). It will help people understand the need to for fill the warrior's call within all men. This is one area that is less and less honored in our society, and so young men lose their way. No rites of passage to guide them, no elders to look up to or to turn to. Then the society becomes a place where the young have no voice and the old are palmed off to a nursing home.
I dream of a time, a tribe where each and every voice is heard and all have a place at the council fire. We have stripped the very core of the tribal system away, back the basic one family unit. Then exerted great pressures to achieve, enforced great debts weighing them down. This sounds just like the Norman feudal system that existed in Britain in the 11th century. Then what we call government becomes the Overlords, the common man but a serf scratching a living, blinded by the illusion that he really owns the earth he walks upon.
How can we ever own the Earth, a simple rock has been here millions of years, we stand but for a brief flicker of time. What we are, is the Land Guardians, gifted with the honor to be caretakers as we take our turn, our watch, over this beautiful planet (Midgard) that we are lucky to call home
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