The caves were another two bays further over, I sat myself in the Cave of URD to get a restbite from the pounding hail stones. Here I began my work , designing her helm and singing it in to being. My voice echoed around me and I could sense the energy change. Flashes of my past lives came to me. I left the magical token and moved on to the next cave, the cave of VERDANDI. I continued the process and evoked the goddess's energy with songs and prayers and left her talisman at the very back of the tunnel. This location gave me a sense of belonging, being in the moment and being thankful for the things and life I have now.
Outside, right between all three caves was a large rock, the perfect size to sit on and call on the wisdom of the NORNS.... This is a magical place, with the forest above, the caves below and the wild sea behind me. I thought again of the footprints found just near here that dated from 80,000 years ago and how many other medicine men and women had sat before these caves and called on the oracles that dwelt here. Peace and knowing came over me, I am just taking my place in the web of wyrd. I got up spoke my spirit name loudly, so they would know who honours them this day and headed back to find Julie.
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