Friday, July 8, 2016

Since the intervention of Freyja, I have re-balanced my medicine wheel, calling in both the male and female energies in each direction.  I  honoured the guidance of  the Goddess and was led to a holy wood, that I will not mention. When I arrived there it was not how I remembered, rubbish and crap everywhere, a group of homeless had set up camp there, old Tesco trolleys and the trees had graffiti  sprayed on them. It made me ashamed I was a two-legged, all the other species lived in harmony with the creation of nature. I promised the Goddess I would return and try and undo some of this abuse. As I left the wood, I came across an old man sitting on a bench, wearing a check shirt and dungarees. He smiled and said "Hello, I'm an Elf and a Yogi, I come hear every morning to do my stuff but the rest of the time I'm just a plumber...You understand don't you?"
I winked, knodded, blessed him and passed on my way. It was good to know that there were others who could see between the Worlds and understand the beauty of that.

Today I returned, I said prayers and hung a runic helm on one of the trees, a helm for these occupants to be respectful or clear out and leave this grove in peace. It felt good to be back on the land doing medicine to heal the woods and fields. It has been a while, with all the distractions of energy attacks and so on.
Once I had finished my simple ritual, Merlin appeared to me and told me to return to the place he had taken me six years ago. I wont go over that again but it is in my book. Anyway this place he mentioned was a bridge on the Brue river at the edge of town, this bridge was sacred in ancient times as it was the gateway to Avalon, now it just supports the traffic that by-passes the town.
I need to retrieve a reed from the river ( the reed is Ngetel in the Ogham , it is for clearing away bad energy and spells, so this seemed appropriate ) In the pass the six years, the banks had become really overgrown and I struggled to find a place to get down to the water. The natural plants that grow along river banks have gone wild this Summer with the constant rain, sun ,rain ,sun, rain ,sun and now the bank was a jungle of thistles, stingers, cow-parsley and some sort of huge grass, which the cows seem to love but unfortunately gives them really runny shit that was sprayed everywhere.

Eventually I found a spot where I could just about see a place that was clear, my target was a good five foot jump down and involved me hoping what I was leaping onto was solid ground. Merlin had led me hear and just as before no matter what the outcome I must do what he said.
I Jumped , landed one foot on solid bank the other on spongy grass but relatively dry. I Then struggled along the bank until I could finally reach across with my Algiz stick and grab a reed. Perfect! mission complete  but how the Hell do I get back up. The bank was slippery and dense with stinging nettles, I just regarded all the stings as the price to pay for the magical reed. Above me an audience of curious cows had gathered and watched  the silly two-legged scramble back up the bank.
Back on the bank above, I had my prize but more than that I felt alive in the magic once more.

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