Beginning to settle in now, been lost in the woods a couple of times. That is just spirit telling me I am new to this place and I must learn my environment. I have found a couple of really sacred places, a Cedar grove that has powerful female energies, a Faerie glen which has Fly Garic toad stools every where. My favorite place is still the back yard where I can see for miles across the inlet and where the Eagles soar above me.
This morning I saw one flying strangely, coming from behind the trees. It seemed as if this majestic bird was struggling to gain height, I thought it was wounded. As it cleared the trees I could see it was tightly clutching a struggling rabbit in its talons. I guess they are pretty much top of the food chain around here.
I searched for a new shaman stick to use in my medicine workings but could not find the right one. That night Odin came to me in vision and gifted me my new staff, not a staff but a spear. The weapon had eagle feathers hanging from just below the tip. I am to use this as my walking stick but with the point end covered in a deerskin cap. When I do ceremony it is to be unsheathed and held in my hands like Gunginir, Odin spear, to channel and direct energy. So now I am to search for the shaft which I will attach a Viking spear point to.
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