Friday, November 14, 2014

Have been suffering with the flu last couple of days so have not really got out the house. The solitude has been good for contemplation but last night about 6pm I set up my magical things, laid out my runes, then switched off all the lights. From this sacred space I could see the heavens, with no light pollution to drown out the stars, the universe looked amazing. I picked up my drum beater and began to call in the quarters, honoring the gods with prayers. Playing a steady beat with my medicine drum I stared out into the darkness across the bay.
The spirit of a native American came to sit with me. he was dressed completely in white skins and furs and wore an elk head dress. he told me he was White Elk and took my left hand, with some charcoal her drew a circle then crossed it with a lightning bolt with an arrow head at the bottom. As I stared at the talisman my dog Boo started barking, dragging me shockingly out of my vision and crashing me back in Midgard. It can be dangerous to be snatched back like that and it took sometime for me to regain my composure.
I checked the house for what had sparked the dog off then returned to my sacred table to find the dog still whining and staring right at the place White Elk had sat. I closed the circle and thanked the spirits for me brief but amazing vision and told White Elk I would visit with him again.
I sat down on the couch with Boo and explained that we have to share this space with the Land guardians  that also live here, she tilted her head and stared back in a puzzled way.

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