Goll my shaman, Odin and Thor were waiting for me at the sacred fire. I was presented with Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer) which changed into a Saxon war hammer as soon as I touched it. This type of weapon had a heavy blunt hammer like head on one side the other is a vicious spike. I stated that only Thor may use this weapon, but was interrupted by the God himself saying.
" Or those who have permission."
A red cloak was placed around my shoulders, which had the helm we had designed embroidered on the back and a bright flaming torch in the other. I left the council fire and set off on my quest to drive the troll back to its home. I had not ventured very far when a huge giant came crashing through the trees. I instantly held up the burning torch, I believed the monster would be scared of this light but it just roared loudly and extinguished the flame with its foul breath. I threw the useless torch to the ground and started to run.
With two strides the troll was upon me, I stumbled and fell into an indentation in the ground and the beast stamped down on me, covering me in a tomb like grave. It was then I realized the Ogre had no idea I was under its foot. As it moved from side to side the walls of the hole began to subside and I knew I would be crushed beneath its enormous weight. I placed the pointed end of the hammer against the sole of its foot and kicked the flat end hard sending the spike through the tough skin.
The foot was raised and I made a dash for it but in one mighty swoop the giant snatched me in its grasp and dived back through the portal into Jotunheim.
The Dragon set me on a ledge in the clouds where Odin, Goll and Thor waited. Quickly I was hurried through to our side of the portal and the doorway was sealed with bind runes and magic. I tried to thank my spirits guides for saving me then Goll explained.
" We used you as bait, to allow us to trap the giant and reveal its intent to us. The demon had been sent to destroy you, but you were hidden from its gaze by us. Trolls just smash everything it is in their nature, as it couldn't find you it just lashed out in every direction. We did hope those who opened this window would see the error in their ways, that was not to be. We needed you to draw it out, to make yourself a willing victim and that you did by volunteering for the task. Even the helm you created in your class was not to drive the troll back through the gateway but to help it find its way to you. Think about it Kennaz and Raido, you lit the way like a beacon."
Odin spoke." It is always Thor who guards the borders to Jotunheim and it has always been he who has sent them packing you were just the priest holding space. Now what was sent to destroy you has returned from whence it came and its fate is no longer your problem. As for those who set this spell in motion, I will punish them myself.
You boy are our advocate in Midgard, we will always watch over you until your orlog is done."
Later I visited the Faerie Wood and left offering for those who had protected me and said prayers for the troll, to calm its anger and healing to those who had wished me so much harm.
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