Thursday, December 10, 2015

This last year has seen my beautiful Mother pass from this realm, the split up of my marriage and my return home to Britain where now I am face trial after trial. The one constant thing that has kept me going through all this has been my faith that Odin is watching over me and guiding me. There are other out in the big wide world who question my beliefs and my connection to the All Father. Me personally, I would never question somebody Else's faith, I do not have that rite.
So on this anniversary I will not be angry with those who question my integrity, my skills as a shaman and even my rite to teach. But I will give thanks to those who really know me and have stood by me with love and friendship. As Yule approaches and we say good bye to the old year, the lands I love have gifted me something very special, some one to heal me, who gets me.Thank you


  1. From the ashes the Phoenix rises. Many blessings to you.

  2. Dear Heart: you come thru these challenges stronger, wiser. Thank you for sharing this (and I pray your Mother's Soul is close by sending her eternal love). All Love
