When I got to the very top there were smashed bottles, I thought left by another group of drunks, but the bottles that lay scattered all over the place were " Sparkling Mineral Water" which seemed bloody odd, obviously health conscious vandals. I said my prayers and left crumpled Ryvitas for the ravens. ( I am on a no fat or sugar thing at the moment to try and get rid of my Buddha belly) so the ravens and crows get to be on a health kick too.
I then proceeded to gather up all the broken grass, every tiny piece. Lastly I saw the final shard sticking out of the grass and bent down to grab it. I lost balance and the glass jabbed into the end of my finger and blood began to flow. A constant steady flow of drip, drip drip leaving spots of red dotted on the damp ground that spread out on contact with the water to look like flowers. It was then that I realized what my offering had to be "MY BLOOD".
So all they way back down I allowed my finger life to drip and feed the ground, an offering of myself for myself. Just like Odin on the tree he sacrificed himself to himself.
My message came and showed my that I was responsible for my own fate and to give thanks was sometimes not enough, to truly attain wisdom and abundance we have to go the extra mile.
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