There are different reasons for why Thor's hammer has a short handle, why Idunn was in Asgard and the variation where Svipdag is Freyja's husband. This Saxon hero is called by another name in the Sagas, Skimir ( Which means schemer) and is the messenger of Frey to the Giantess Gerd.
I am and always will be Odin's man but within these Teutonic texts are some very interesting points which to me are more evidence that Odin and the Asir were real men and women who actually existed. My task is to make sure the stories of our ancestors are not forgotten and that means all of them not just Norse and Celtic but Saxon too. If you to are interested in understanding more about the origins of our people please take the time to read Teutonic Myth and Legend by Donald A Mackenzie or better still listen into my online radio blog "The voice of Odin" if you tune in live we can discuss the different points.
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