Saturday, March 26, 2016

Crook's Peak it an large dominant hill in the Mendip range and sits majestically along side the M5 motorway between Burnham-on Sea and Weston -Super-Mare about twenty miles from Glastonbury. The first time I saw it it filled me with dread and I now have to pass it twice a
day on my way to and from work. Yesterday me and Julie climbed it, as it has been coming up in my visions. This place is one of the three locations that are important to my shamanic work in this area.
It was a mission of a walk not only on the way up but also on the way back down as we got lost in the gorse bushes and had to forge our way through unforgiving undergrowth. Once on the top the energy was nothing like I expected, even though the wind was wild up there, I had a real urge to spend the night and just be with the land. I gave offerings and left the rune Sowelo, to call the joy and warmth of the sun to shine on this place. I sung the Galdr of the same rune and allowed my voice to carry right across the valley to the distant Brent Knoll, my next place of activation.
Today when I drove past on my way to work Crook's Peak seemed like a familiar friend.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The last time I walked on the Tor, was early Sunday morning and i followed my spirit walk the old way. It was a glorious Spring morning. I saw not only a cornucopia of birds, newly born lambs but a couple of deer grazing in the mists. I made my way up the back  route and  Hugwynn heralded my coming by escorting me most of the way.
The crow guardian of Avalon always sets down a couple of feet  away, waiting for me to hand out his new favourite, raisin loaf . He then flies off to scoff his prize before he returned for the next course, that was until I reached the Egg Stone.
I stood at the gateway and awaited permission to enter. The sighting of three rabbits sitting in the morning Sun was a sign the doorway was open but the crow would not follow, which was very strange. I scattered my offerings in every directions, blessing the Gods, ancestors and the Land Wights of Avalon and although there was now a bounty of Current loaf all over the hillside the Crow would not come close.
Just as I had just about finished with my prayers, I noticed some rubbish laying littering the area below me. I climbed down picked up the trash which seemed to be the remains of burnt pages of some prayer book, I glanced up. Underneath the Hawthorne trees that mark the entrance to Svartalfheim, were two patches of fresh blood trickling down the bank.
Blood magic! I said to myself and headed back up to investigate further, knowing that whatever energy had been called upon Hugwynn did not like and was the reason he had kept clear. I had gone no further than maybe two paces when the voices of the Light Elves were heard clearly in my mind.
" Leave it! It is no longer your responsibility. Go about your other work and we will deal with this and thank you for bringing it to our attention."
I turned around and made my way down to the Faerie wood and for the first time ever Hugwynn followed me into the trees and sat beside me as i closed my eyes and went off into vision. He was still there once I had returned and a beautiful ray of sunlight illuminated the whole area where we sat. I gave nearly all the rest of the raisin bread just saving a tiny bit for the Robin's at the very entrance to the Tor.
My message was clear, now is not the time to stick your nose into or be in places that don't concern you. a time to step into the lih\ght perform the tasks you are given. Blessings to you Jeremy

Friday, March 18, 2016

OK its the day after St Patrick's day, I was late this morning rushing to get out the flat I put my tea in a glass so I could drink it in the car ( Not really late for work, but I want to get a good walk on the Tor in before the day begins) As I reversed out the road, wallop! over goes the glass and the bloody hot tea. NOTE TO MYSELF "Get one of those sealable metal coffee mugs"
Get to Glasto, park the car up in Morrison's carpark and head out on my walk.
I was thinking about all the troll's on the internet putting down stuff about you not a true pagan if you celebrate Paddy's day but that is not what it is about. It is about the celebration of  your Irish heritage, not St Patrick, he's just a Catholic icon that highjacked the festival. Just like St David in Wales and Andrew in Scotland and worst of all St George in England. It would make much more sense if you just called it Irish Day and went off to get drunk. Anyway I was keeping my eyes peeled for litter As usual, if I see it I gotta go pick it up, and I am half way up the Tor when I glance to my left and there is a crisp bag down below, a long way down below. My word is my bond, so over I go, scambling down the grassy bank To pick up the trash.
Just as I get to the crisp packet I see something silver in the grass. Guess what I picked up?
A sealable metal coffee mug, just laying there in the grass. OK it wasn't new it still contained some really manky coffee but spirit did provide.
I finished my walk, then washed the cup in the springs, cleansing it in more than one way, ready to quench my thirst as I go about my wombling work in the days to come.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Well that definitely was the Winter of discontent, the sun is beginning to shine on the land and back on me. Things seem to be falling in my favor and slotting into place. What's even better is I am getting the hang of twitter ( I think). Glastonbury has come back to life, the Faerie ball was last weekend and the town was packed. And today is St Patrick's day, the most liked Englishman ever.
Ju and myself have just got back from Brighton where we strolled along the lanes checking out the quirky stuff on offer, that is different quirky stuff to that which is available in Glasto, walking down old Dickensian passage ways and browsing the cornucopia of shops. Then in the evening my daughter took us to a swing night in a pub and we danced to 1940's swing music. Hey I still got it, even if it was only for ten minutes until I was completely knackered but for those short ten minutes I was cool.
So I have had a break and allowed myself to retreat into muggledom just for a moment. Now returned and refreshed I am ready to dive back through the veil of Avalon once more. Stay tuned

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Yesterday was the first time I did any real medicine in Weston-Super -mare. We went up to Weston Woods where the old roman fort used to be. The wind was howling and it was bitter cold but eventually we found a safe and quiet spot to start our ceremony. The purpose of this venture was to announce myself to the land spirits, that I was there to help, clear and heal if I could.
I left offerings of nuts and chocolate, called in the quarters and burned the sacred mugwort in a ceremonial dish made incorperating my Mother's ashes.
Twice I was charge challenged by a angry energy but I stuck with it, giving prayers and peaceful thoughts. Finally an image appeared before me, a dark haired woman in green, she even glowed green. She told me her name was something like Igrona/ Agrona, I wasn't quite sure but her message was simple.
"Who are you? What are you here for and what gives you the right?"
I spoke back in prayer saying that althought I am a stranger to these lands, this is my home now and that I wished to come here in times ahead to connect with the land wights and say prayers. That I would prove myself to her not in my words but in my actions.
She replied "We'll see" then dissappeared and I closed the ceremony.
I left runes as offerings that I had picked at random before... EOH and BIRKANA, this indicated a goddess and a place of focus or an archer. All the way down Ju and me picked up rubbish and crap making sure that this time and everytime after, when I come here the wood will be a better place when I leave.
By the time we had reached the bottom of the hill the plactic bag was stacked full. We should for a moment to enjoy the glorious sunset. I spat on the ground to leave my energy there and we left.
Today I checked out the name I received from the woman
    Agrona. Agrona (slaughtering).British. A warrior Goddess, seemingly a ... the deity invoked by the Iceni warrior-queen Boudicca in her rebellion against Rome.

Laying out my things for ceremony
 Preparing the Mugwort in my scared dish
My drum layed on the ground as I sung my prayers
 Calling on the the Plant beings to sanctify this space
 Honouring the spirits of the land
 The beautiful sunset over the Bristol channel, looking across to Wales. Below our first bag of rubbish collected from Weston Woods


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Image result for los alfheimMy prolasped disc and nerve pain have returned with a vengence, but it is all good, telling me to slow down. Telling me to accept the things I can't change and not to fight battles I can't win. When my OLD FRIEND returns, it is time to understand the medicine you are being taught and not to be distracted by the mundane.
After the madness of Monday and we spoke to Odin through my runes, a certain clarity has come to me, through dreams and visions all about giving myself over the light. This is a  subject that has kept returning since my homecoming last September. The message that I have to accept that I need to evolve, step up to the next level. The time is now to move away from the struggles that are familiar and embrace the energies of Losalfheim ( The Light Elves, Angelic forces, Ascended Masters or Star beings). Whatever you want to call these spirits, they are the next step on the spiritual evelutionary ladder and I did not want to go there.
But it is a relief just to say "AHHHHHHH! ok then, show me what you got"
Odin was still there but was dressed head to toe in white, as was I, sweeping away darkness with one swipe of my white-winged sword . Yeah I know, a sword with a blade of feathers doesn't sound that threatening but it really works. All those futile battles and hostilities around ego, envy, betrayal, hate and jealiously are just brushed aside and I can get down to the real work I am supposed to do.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Well what a nuts day Ju and me had on Monday, that bad that I stayed in bed most of the day Tuesday, if anyone knows me that is not like me at all. It all started well with us getting out and about for me to deal in a little bit of gold and stuff and Ju to go to the health food shop to get this Super Veg. We did our bits and decided to go to Clifton, Bristol as it would be an interesting day out and this certain area is linked with the Holy Grail.
Before we set out I took my first dose of the Super Veg, diluted in a bottle of water. All was going well until we drove near the Clifton Suspension Bridge, when I was hit with utter doom and fear, nearly to the point of getting the screaming Ned Flanders. We carried on up to the town itself. Very posh but no public loos, I went to see a certain shop that buys antique jewellry but that was closed then we both needed the loo but not a public loo in sight. Whilst Ju was off doing a ceremony for a friend I tuned in and asked Odin to explain the feelings I was having. He told me to let go and just tune in. Names and dates came to me and of a suicide /murder that happened on this bridge.
It was then that I told Ju we just have to get out of here, I could not handle all the things I was picking up.
Image result for many spiritsWe get back to the car, PARKING TICKET. Drive out of town but I am still in need of a loo. Pull over in a bushy gateway as the call of the nature is getting too strong, then we were threaten by GYPSIES for pulling in the drive to their camp. We drive on to a secluded muddy gateway in the middle of the countryside, I get out of the car and a man appears from a little HUT and says  us to clear off. We drive on until I find an embankment to climb down. So finally I get to pee, after tearing myself to pieces on brambles. As I am doing my business a HAWK  flies by at eye level being attached and mobbed by seagulls. This seemed symbolic of all the things that were attacking me.
We finally make it back to Weston and we go to good old MACDONALD'S where Julie out of the blue (a hardcore Veggie and animal sympathiser) has a quarter pounder with cheese. Something was not right, I was completely shot away and still getting loads of messages, so we headed home to consult Odin and the runes .
It seems that if I want to feel what it is like to has access to the spirit realm 24s hours a day, to be everything to all those who need some sort of spiritual healing or guidance on both sides of the veil, here is a taster, it was close to sending you mad, So no thanks. Dropped a Valium and went to bed.
His words were be a shaman and be proud to walk the walk you walk and not feel you have to do it all . Just what you can, making sure you are absolutely PROTECTED at all times and to always honour the Gods.
"Message received over and out!"