Get to Glasto, park the car up in Morrison's carpark and head out on my walk.
I was thinking about all the troll's on the internet putting down stuff about you not a true pagan if you celebrate Paddy's day but that is not what it is about. It is about the celebration of your Irish heritage, not St Patrick, he's just a Catholic icon that highjacked the festival. Just like St David in Wales and Andrew in Scotland and worst of all St George in England. It would make much more sense if you just called it Irish Day and went off to get drunk. Anyway I was keeping my eyes peeled for litter As usual, if I see it I gotta go pick it up, and I am half way up the Tor when I glance to my left and there is a crisp bag down below, a long way down below. My word is my bond, so over I go, scambling down the grassy bank To pick up the trash.
Just as I get to the crisp packet I see something silver in the grass. Guess what I picked up?
A sealable metal coffee mug, just laying there in the grass. OK it wasn't new it still contained some really manky coffee but spirit did provide.
I finished my walk, then washed the cup in the springs, cleansing it in more than one way, ready to quench my thirst as I go about my wombling work in the days to come.
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