After the madness of Monday and we spoke to Odin through my runes, a certain clarity has come to me, through dreams and visions all about giving myself over the light. This is a subject that has kept returning since my homecoming last September. The message that I have to accept that I need to evolve, step up to the next level. The time is now to move away from the struggles that are familiar and embrace the energies of Losalfheim ( The Light Elves, Angelic forces, Ascended Masters or Star beings). Whatever you want to call these spirits, they are the next step on the spiritual evelutionary ladder and I did not want to go there.
But it is a relief just to say "AHHHHHHH! ok then, show me what you got"
Odin was still there but was dressed head to toe in white, as was I, sweeping away darkness with one swipe of my white-winged sword . Yeah I know, a sword with a blade of feathers doesn't sound that threatening but it really works. All those futile battles and hostilities around ego, envy, betrayal, hate and jealiously are just brushed aside and I can get down to the real work I am supposed to do.
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