Saturday, May 7, 2016

Things are manifesting themselves in mysterious ways, I was just looking up sacred sites of Wessex to try and find some interesting prehistoric venues for me and Julie to visit in the camper van, where she could wild swim and I could do my medicine. But as I looked at the map I noticed that Weston-Super-Mare (where I now live), Crooks peak. Glastonbury, South Cadbury Castle (Camelot) and Bournemouth (Where my family live) are all on one straight line. it is like my life has been written along this pathway.
I carried the line on over the Bristol channel, on  and on the the west coast of Wales, the line cuts through the place I went to school as a kid. So I continued this line out over the Irish sea and passing straight through Dublin and on into Northern Ireland, where my fathers ancestors originated. I have been posed a question to find out why my life and spiritual path has been plotted this way.
Yesterday, I was led by a friend to visit a tiny village in the Somerset levels, at this location I discovered runes carved on the outside of a church, which revealed secrets that I cannot talk about. Then she took me to the sacred well in this village. This holy shrine was really elaborate and I had seen it before. She asked if it was in a vision and I explained not quite.
Whilst I was in the US I played a kid's game called Minecraft, where you create your own world. Well in my imaginary land I built the sacred shrines of England, the Tor, Stonehenge and Wayland's Smithy to name but a few.I would use this visionary world to connect with the magic of HOME I also found within this land a sacred pool where I constructed an ornate structure making a holy well. Once my little building was finally finished a white Ox appeared beside me
in the game and I took this as a good sign. Little did I know that my imagined shrine existed for real and yesterday I encountered it's energy.
As I said mysterious things are happening

The picture opposite is looking out from Weston-Super-Mare to Wales

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