Friday, December 30, 2016

Been a while since I blogged but strange things have been happening.
About two weeks ago a certain lady came to see me for a chat, the one that was linked with the stones from Uppsala. She had a gift for me, a beautiful , crystal tipped wand, engraved with runes and sea shells. Half way up the length of the wand, a crab's claw is attached.
I was told to leave this wand somewhere special on the land to allow the wights to bless it. So the next morning I set out up the Tor and allowed Spirit to guide my quest. At one of my regular haunts the guides of the Tor spoke and told me to bury the other three stones at this place and leave the wand to be activated. The next morning I carried the stones with me and did exactly as I was told and left the stones and the wand in the hands of the land spirits.
I returned the following day to retrieve the wand and sat within the circle of stones. I placed the wand  in my hands to tune in. I had already understood the message of the crab claw.( If I wanted to evolve on, to change, I had to  release the dependence to my Armour, to shed my skin in order to grow.) This morning I was engulfed in a bright turquoise light, a healing light and felt peace wash over me and my protective suit fall away. I felt extremely vulnerable but trusted that was supposed to be.
That night Odin came to me in a vision, along with my Mother. Odin placed thirteen self-healed Lemurian Quartz crystals in a bowl, twelve smaller and one larger in the middle. A woman appeared who needed healing, she sat before us. The All-father placed the bowl at her feet and she spread out her arms and opened her hands, at which point my Mother placed a Bay leaf in each palm.
Odin began to chant a magical charm, my Mother  began to drum whilst circling the woman. The Crystals in the bowl ignited in that same turquoise glow, slowly engulfing the woman, making its way up her body and hovering above her head. Finally flowing down her arms and into the Bay-leaves, which Odin then grabbed and threw into the fire and declared loudly "It is done!... Understand Boy?"
" Yes, this is a way of clearing all negative energy from the body, to purify the spirit."
Odin winked, I nodded and woke from the dream excited to tell Julie what I had encountered and most importantly learnt. That day in Glastonbury I sort out the thirteen (Self-healed) Crytsals and placed them in a sacred bowl made with my Mother's ashes, I also went into Star-child and acquired a large bag of organic Bay-leaves.
That day was a slow day, as most are for readings in December but both of my clients had seen me before at the end of reading I asked the client if I  could practice a new healing that I was gifted from spirit. I followed the ceremony exactly as I had seen in the vision, the crystals at the feet, the leaves in the palms of their outstretched hands, chanting the same words as Odin using the same drum beat my Mother. I saw and felt the crystals activate and flow on its course through each client.
The first client had tears in her eyes, she said it was beautiful and felt invigorated and youthful after. The second client could feel the leaves vibrating in her hands and felt so much lighter, like a heavy burden had been lifted.
I believe  that our true medicine and healing gifts are downloaded to us at certain times on our spiritual journey. The wand I was gifted was the key to the next door opening on my own personal path

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Bloody Hell! I am trying to get a grip of all the social media that I have let slip over the last couple of months, to keep myself relevant  and current in the psychic community. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram This is what I find the hardest of all, dealing with the daily onslaught  of mindless spiritual drivel. I am not saying that the odd philosophical  quote can't be inspiring but every ten minutes by a legion New age healers, frankly the populace just becomes numb to it.
So I am  going to try and up my game but also try to be a realist to the amount of divine guidance the average muggle can take before they switch off. My goal is to share the wisdom of my ancestors, the medicine, the rituals, their teachings, in a way that the average bloke can understand. You see I made a promise, an oath to spirit to spread the word to all who enter my world. The tribe I am attached to is a global tribe of the 21st century, I just have to find a way to guide them to my medicine shack. My path is authenticity, truth and facing the facts, sometimes it is hard to make myself seem attractive compared to all the fluffy bunnies( You know who you are.) 
Through the runes, I will guide, council and heal clients who know nothing of our ancient crafts. My place of work is that little hut at the corner of the village, which most of the time the locals steer clear of and cast jeers of ridicule in that direction. Until they need help, a shoulder to cry on and a strong hand to steady them back to health, so they can return to the tribe and continue their jeering.
All this is OK, for this is my role within the tribe, the medicine man, the priest, the shaman and I wouldn't have it any other way.