Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Have been back from Avalon for nearly two weeks now, and after some struggle to acclimatize, my feet are grounded back in the US. It was a good trip with many things to mull over in the coming days.  One thing, for me is known for sure, that sitting around a fire with good brothers, spinning yarns,sharing music and stories, is the way, WE (mankind) are supposed to live. The echoes of that tribal existence fill my soul with joy and happiness.
So step away from the TV, the phone, and get really connected. Stare into the flames that flicker and dance in the fire. Lose yourself in the warm glow that generates from the communal hearth. Let the laughter and rants of good friends and family be your entertainment. For all there is, is the moment, enjoy and absorb its magic and the allow the tribal energy that rises to heal your trouble soul.

For my Brothers Tim Raven and Bill Francis, let us gather by the fire more often. Let us share our stories and spread the words of those who came before.

" Man is the joy of Man." The Havamal. Sayings of the High One

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