Friday, February 12, 2016

Image result for ostaraFrom Odin wisdom, from Thor protection, from Freyja abundance, from Bragi the gift of communication. Many of my clients, when asked what they believe in? their reply is" Just a great white light (the collective consciousness)"
My reply is simple, That's brilliant, no pun intended, that great white light contains all the tools you will ever need to navigate your life, but when you reach in and pull out a hammer when you really need a saw, it's not much use. In my belief system each of my Gods has an area of expertise special to them. So if I need wise counsel I call on Odin, this I believe gives my prayers the right address, sending the intent and asking at the appropriate location.
Our ancestors has Gods and deities for everything and left offerings and held ceremonies according to who they felt could help. We have just passed through sabbat of Imbolc and are heading towards Ostara and this is a prime example. Nowadays we call this holy festival Easter and associate it with Christianity but funny enough it is based on the festival of the Saxon Goddess Ostara.  She would make her way though the forest, carrying her basket of eggs, as she passed by the flowers bloomed and life began again. Rabbits and Hares scurried about her feet (The Easter bunny had his first appearance.
I am a great believer in credit where credit is due, so this Ostara raise a horn to the Goddess and thank her for returning and bringing with her the abundance of Spring... Hail Ostara

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