Friday, February 5, 2016

Glastonbury is completely still, hardly any visitors, it is all just waiting to spring into life, but not yet. Today I saw the first blossoms in town, maybe not the first, but the first I have seen. This has been a tough winter, all about letting go of old ways and making way for the person you are meant to be. That could be a drastic change but the Caterpillar must accept the confinement of the cocoon before it can spread its wings for the first time. It may not even like being a butterfly but it can never go back, it just has to come to terms with the world it lives in now. To just embrace the beauty and challenges ahead and give thanks for the lesson it learnt as a ground dweller, to carry that knowledge forward as it soars higher and higher and sees the world from a different perspective.
The spiritual changes that have occurred for me over the last few months have seen me traumatically evolve, for the better, and to accept new gifts, tools and teachings handed to me by spirit. This Spring be will spent incorporating these different kennings into the wisdom I share with others.
Although I now sit at a different council fire, I am still Odin's man. All that is new is not necessarily good and all that is old, is not  past its sell by date. The visions and journeys I have been on lately are not to be shared but when they are , I will be happy to speak of them.
The lady who has come into my life has shown me a different level of kindness. She is born and bred of the Summer lands and has been guiding me to her magical places, Sites that I would have never found on my own. I am honoured to be allowed these sacred groves and feel the voice of spirit communicate with me. Her energy heals me and makes me feel truly HOME, in turn the runic magic is calling to her. Together we will forge a new life, simple honest and true.

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