Sunday, November 30, 2014

A strange weekend of good times with family, then my email getting hacked and innocent people being financially and spiritually taken advantage of. Finally, on Sunday afternoon, Tara and Shaydon, our Grandson, head back into Portland over two hours away, leaving me and the dogs alone in the wilderness. A time to stop and just be, a time of the shaman.
I left Rhemmy the pom asleep on the couch, Boo and me headed out to go sunset fishing, the long shadows of late afternoon fingered their way across the river. This is when thoughts of loneliness and isolation start to attack your spiritual mind and the"what if "scenarios of my old self come to haunt me. This is good, this is very good, now I  know the doorways are opening, visions and knowledge can be attained if you can still your mind and face your shadow.
The air began to bite at my fingers as the temperature dropped but I carried on further away from the warmth of the house and towards the jetty. I have not kept a single thing I have caught yet but I love the stillness of the river, watching the flow, the tides and just casting my float out into the current and watch it drift by. In the final rays of the sun, a Bald Eagle was illuminated, as it flew by, his call echoed in the twilight. At that moment the peace of just being came over me, and I knew this was a night to do medicine, medicine for those I love and those who have been hurt by trying to help me out.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I could feel the whole beautiful experience; thanks for sharing.
