Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Yesterday was a day of getting things done, not just for me but Tara too. It was also a day of two birds and a wounded dog.
Firstly I got up early cleared an area in the garage and put together the pottery studio. I sat down and made the pendants that would contain my Mother's ashes. Before I started each ceramic piece I asked the runes for a message from her to each individual member of the family and that is the rune I used in the design. Although this task had tears and sadness it also gave me joy to feel my Mum around me once more.
As I went back upstairs I heard the call of the eagle, and there he was sitting proudly in the tree surveying his domain. This is the biggest Bald Eagle in the area and was the the creature that came to check us out as we viewed the property. A feeling that all would be well accompanied his presence.
Next I walked Boo the the sacred tree but today she was rushing around even more frantic than ever. She leaped over a bank and disappeared over the side, moments later I heard a yelp and whimpering. Not looking where she was going,  the silly dog had landed in something sharp and split up between her toes. There was a fair amount of blood, I tried to look closer but as I now have "Old Git eyesight" that was useless, so I carried her home to Tara. ( What a bloody lump)
As we live in the middle of nowhere, it is a good job Tara is great home veterinary and she cleaned the wound and sprayed it with antibiotic and antiseptic sprays, bandaged it up and gave Boo a trimodal to clam her down. She looked a sad sight hobbling around the house on three legs. ( Boo not Tara that is)
The afternoon Sun shone, it felt warm on my skin as I stood on the back porch. Tara had recently brought a humming bird feeder to hang above the back window. I had never been drawn to this tiny creatures ,as the don't exist in the UK I didn't really understand their energy, that was until yesterday.
A tiny iridescent, turquoise blue bird flew right up to my face, its red breast flashed before my eyes, it buzzed and just hovered in front of me. This is truly a creature of the Fae, I was enchanted, this little birds energy had filled my with joy and I was smiling from ear to ear.
I walked back in the house, bumping into Tara.
"Those humming birds are amazing, breathtakingly colorful"
" I told you." My wife replied.

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