Thursday, March 5, 2015

A great class last night with my shamanic students ( Thank you Ladies). Some interesting points came up. One particular point was raised, a member of my class said " Is it just that easy, draw the helm and that is it?"
The answer is simple. " No"
A symbol is just a symbol, it is us that gives it power and intent. A church is just a stack of bricks and stone henge is nothing but some nicely arranged boulders. It is each and every man, woman and child who raises their hands to the gods and gives thanks, says prayers, holds ceremony and sits in vigil that make these sites holy. Every life time through the passing centuries has added more to the collective sacredness of the precious sites.
So the symbol is just a symbol, then you give it meaning, give it direction ,a destination. You honor its origins, those who gave their lives for this sigil to make it to here and now. Then we say prayers and give thanks and it becomes a whole different energy. We have faith in it and those who gifted it to us and we feel part of something bigger than the individual. The symbol is being directed by a divine source. It is then and only then you can manifest miracles.

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